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The conception of PinkRose was evolved when two best friends decided to bond their relationship forever and both having daughters would continue the business.

The owners are Managing Director, Pn Noraini Mat Noor and Director, Administration, Pn Rismala Bonyadi. Noraini known as Nora has her Salon Management Diploma from London, United Kingdom  (SAC Dip) and is also a qualified accountant  while Pn Rismala, known as Ris, has a Diploma in Secretarial Science, UITM.

Nora had always a passion for beauty  since her early teens.  She loves to read about beauty, skincare, make –up and health. However as adviced by her late father, she took up the career to be an accountant. Now towards her retirement, she will do  what she loves, beauty…

Our Professional Beauty Therapists have more than 10 years experience  in the beauty  business and are trained.



     Managing Director                      Director, Administration
     Pn. Noraini Mat Noor                    Pn Rismala Bonyadi

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